Sunday, June 19, 2016



Phuket's economy has been growing rapidly as tourism starts. Tourism has a huge impact on the island, more than 80% of the jobs on the island are involved with tourism. Phuket now has more than 3 million visitors each year. Before Phuket became a place people would come to relax for the holidays, Phuket's economy was all about tin mining and rubber from the rubber trees and cashew nuts. 

Pearl and Prawn farming is also rather famous in Phuket, marine products are easy to get on the island. 

Local people are not gaining a lot of income because the hotel and business developers are taking over the economy. 

Local people such as the Sea gypsies used to be able to sell fish to the tourists directly and get more money but the developers are taking advantage of that and buying it from them in a cheaper price and selling it with more profit. 

The amount resources on the island is dropping more and more due to the increasing rate of tourist.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016



Since tourism started the local people have been affected in good and bad ways. 

The culture of the island is starting to fade away due to the influence that the Western people had 
given the people.The cultural areas are not protected, some of the places like unpopular temples and 
other areas that local people used to go in the past are destroyed to make new buildings such as 
hotels and shopping malls.

Beaches and other places that used to be an public property are now owned by hotel owners and it 
is making it harder for local people to access it.

Local people such as the Sea gypsies and the Moken people are being forced out of their own 
homes. They are forced to live in precise areas by the people that claim they are the owners of the 
area. Some of the farmers are also forced to grow crops on a certain area only and are only allowed 
to grow only one crop per year, to the extent of the golf courses.

   The crime rates also have rised due to the influence from TV violence, politics, poverty and regionalism, which have been increasing since tourism started on the island.
Sea gypsies
Phuket, 1928

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How Tourism affected the environment of Phuket


            Phuket's environment have changed a lot since tourism in Phuket started in the 1970s. 

Phuket is known for its beauty, the beaches, trees and mountains. Even though a lot of people value its beauty there's still insensible tourist and local people trashing all over the place causing sewage that ends up in the water. Pollution is becoming a greater impact on Phuket's environment every year.

There are also a lot more activities on the island that affects the environment.

The water sports are one of the most famous sport in Phuket there's jet skiing, snorkelling and etc. Water sports are harming the marine life in some ways that affects over time.

Since tourism started Phuket has already lost 50% of its coral reef.  The turtles and other marine life are becoming rarer everyday.We're losing waterfalls and fresh water.                                      

Bangla Road, 1987
For long period of time, Phuket's mountains and fields have been stripped for the land that is needed for building hotels, houses, malls and etc.

Phuket's environment is affected by many things but mostly it's just the way of life that modern people are living.

Phuket's environment was also affected by the tsunami that occurred on the coast of Phuket in 2004. Lands, buildings and trees have been destroyed.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016



Tourism in Phuket started in the 1970s but the boom of tourism when people started infrastructure and employment from tourism started in the 1980s. 

Phuket built the first airport around the 1970s after tourism on the island had started to become more popular.

Everything was going well until the tsunami hit the coastline of Phuket in 2004, it scared a lot people. Which made tourists stay away from Phuket for a while. Also this made Phuket more famous, more people wanted to come and visit so the amount of tourists increased by 40% since the tsunami hit the coastline of the island.

Over ten years, Phuket is still one of the most famous islands in the world. The amount of tourists has been increasing about 12% a year.

However, since Phuket started tourism, the island's environment has been getting more unhealthy. The island has become more polluted with all fun sports and cruises.

 The cultures are also not as cherished, people are starting to be more "modern".

Although there's a lot disadvantages to the island because of tourism, there's also a lot of advantages too.

We have a lot more employment for local people. The base of the island is also becoming more modern, we have roads, water, electricity and etc. We also have foreign exchange to get goods from other countries which benefits the people of the island.

Sunday, May 29, 2016



 Phuket is the biggest island in Thailand. Phuket is also a province located in the southern of the country. The Sarasin Bridge connects it to the country. There is now a new bridge next to the Sarasin Bridge due to the weakness of the bridge today, it can’t hold bug trucks driving on them.

Phuket have had many names throughout the history. It was known to the Europeans as Junk Ceylon. It was actually called Thalang before.

Phuket is known for it’s beautiful beaches and mountains. It was also known for Tin mining.

Phuket is a place with a high amount of tourists.

Phuket town has unique buildings called the Chino-Portuguese buildings; it was built by the Chinese people that came into Thailand a long time ago for the tin and the resources that Phuket has.

Phuket is a city in Thailand that has a really interesting background. The thing that made foreigners most interested in Phuket a long time ago was the rich natural resources.  Including Tin, Gold, Lead, Coal and other kinds of precious stones.

We have a landmark called the Heroines monument, built in 1967. The monument is of Lady Chan and Lady Mook, who disguised as men to go to war with the Burmese that attacked their homeland. They disguised to make the Burmese people think that they were not outnumbered; they eventually won against the Burmese army.

Phuket also has a lot of tourists, but due to the Tsunami in December 26th of 2004, just right after Christmas made the tourist faded away, because of the fear that the tsunami might come back. About 250 people were dead on the day of the tsunami. Patong beach was completely abolished it’s a disastrous incident that will always be in people’s mind.
Eventually the amount of tourist came back and increased even more.

Phuket is a lovely place that you should surely visit, even though there have been events that might lead people to think Phuket is not a safe place to visit.